
Top Tips. Do you agree?

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MAKE your own inexpensive mints by leaving blobs of toothpaste to dry on a window sill. Use striped toothpaste to make humbugs.

ANNOY and frustrate SpecSavers staff by wandering up to their counter, squinting your eyes whilst looking up at the price board, and when they ask if they can help you, saying "Big Mac and large fries, please."

BIRD FLU could be quickly and easily eradicated by adding a few drops of Lemsip or Daynurse to birdbaths. (Obviously, you would have to put Nightnurse in the birdbaths for owls.)

LADY drivers. Draw a little diagram on a Post-it showing the position of the hand brake and gear stick, and stick it to your dashboard. This will save you having to look for them when the lights go green.

FATTIES. Take a tip from smokers and stop your cravings for chips By Sellotaping a crisp to the top of your arm each morning.

AMERICANS. Wipe out the Iraqi insurgency by simply joining their side. With your 'friendly fire' tactics, the war should be over in days.

MURDERERS Need to dispose of a body? Simply parcel it up and post it to yourself via DHL. You will never see it again.

SMOKERS. 'Every cigarette you smoke takes 10 seconds off your life', health experts say. To combat this, at the end of every day work out how many seconds you have 'lost', and simply go to bed that much later, or wake up that much earlier the next morning. Hey presto! your lost time is returned.

EMPLOYERS Avoid hiring unlucky people by immediately tossing half the CVs into the bin.

WOMEN Don't waste energy faking orgasms. Most men couldn't give a sh*t anyway and you could use the saved energy to hoover the house after you've been banged

FELLAS. Stand outside an Ann Summers shop dressed in a security guard's uniform with a smoke detector in your pocket. When a fit bird walks out, simply press the smoke alarm button and voila! A free grope!




  1. The Ann Summers one actually sounds as though it could work.  Maybe.

  2. That's SO weird!  I have a donut taped to my arm right now!

  3. Love the Spec Savers....and fellas you will not need a smoke alarm button

    except when I really get going then............

  4. you are funny bitter and at the same time a bit twisted ! lol !

  5. Brilliant!  Every one a winner!  Well worth a star!

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