
Top percentage for Glaucoma? What does that mean?

by Guest10700  |  earlier

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My optometrist said I was at the high end or top percentage for Glaucoma. I didn't want to sound stupid, so I didn't ask her what that meant, but what DOES it mean? Does that mean I might get it? How do I prevent it? What are the signs? I'm really worried, I know a woman that had it and she's blind now. I am near sighted in both eyes now, and I have an astigmatism. I've had my glasses for a year and she said that my eyes have gotten worse. I've noticed recently that when I get tired my eyes are very blurry, like I'm not even wearing my that a sign? I'm 26, don't know if that matters. I don't want to lose my eyesight.. should I be worried?




  1. She probably just meant that you have risk factors that make you more susceptible to glaucoma than other people.  

    Glaucoma is a disease in which the optic nerve in the back of the eye is damaged, as nerve fibers are killed.  The first symptom is usually peripheral vision loss, but this is only noticed after many fibers have died.  If left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

    Optometrists view the optic nerve during any regular exam and know how to look for glaucomatous changes, so it's important to get regular checkups.

    There are different types of glaucoma and different risk factors for these different types, so really it is best to talk to your optometrist to find out exactly what is going on with your eyes.

  2. FIRST OF ALL DONT WORRY! I was diagnosed with Glaucoma when I was 16 and I am now 25. I do not know what your doctor meant by the high end??

    First off, blurry vision is not a sign of Glaucoma. Glaucoma is kind of silent "killer" in a sense meaning that you will not be able to notice the side effects. If it were to go undetected and you were to go blind it would slowly blind you from the outside in. For the most part, when Glaucoma is detected it is easily controlled  and you should have no problems. Your doctor will do what I like to call "the dot test". It is a machine that test the field of vision of your eye by using random flashing lights. From this machine you will be able to detect if Glaucoma has taken any of yoru outer vision field.

    Anyways, like I said DO NOT WORRY!! My Glaucoma was found almost 10 years ago, and I only have one minor blind spot (which if it wasnt for the "dot test" I would never haver noticed) which occured before my Glaucoma was detected.

    By the way, if you are curious Glaucoma is controlled by either daily or twice daily drops. Also you can opt for laser surgery (which I did) that last from 2-4 years before you have either go back on the drops or do surgery again.

  3. You had the best opportunity of all to get your questions answered while you were at the optometrists. She wouldn't have thought you were stupid to ask, but you were even more stupid for NOT getting the information 'from the horse's mouth', so to speak.

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