
Top rated alternative energy engineering school

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I am seriously considering the alternative energy engineering field, does anyone know how I can determine the top rated schools with this type of program?

Is there is anyone in the industry who can recommend a good school?

I am in southern Colorado, but would consider relocation for school.

Thanks all.




  1. I don;t know which schools are good for htsi

  2. Not sure about where you can find it all, but i know that OIT (oregon institute of technology) just started up the program and i heard it is actually really good. Up in portland they had a demo of their senior work and the room was packed with people standing up in the back to listen to the students.

  3. Alternative energy is an application of engineering.

    At the undergraduate level, you are probably better off majoring in a general discipline.  The engineering fundamentals are the same regardless of which application you specialize in later.

    Probably the best choice would be a chemical engineering major.  Any school with a decent program can provide you the basics.  After getting a BS degree, if you are still interested in specializing in alternative energy systems then you could find a graduate program that fit.  It will be a lot easier to find after you have studied engineering as an undergraduate, got to know some professors, developed some contacts, read about work different places, maybe participated in contests or had a co-op experience.

    Find a good engineering school you can afford.  Work hard and get good grades in a chemical or mechanical engineering program.  Then you will be prepared for all kinds of things including specializing in alternative energy.

    Good luck.

  4. During undergrad you can't specialize in alternative energy engineering but you would probably want to major in either Environmental engineering or Chemical engineering before entering this field.

    Top Environmental Eng. Schools

    1. Stanford

    2. MIT

    3. Michigan

    4. Illinois

    5. Cal-Berkley

    Top Chemical Eng. Schools

    1. MIT

    2. Minnesota-Twin Cities

    3. Cal-Berkley

    4. Wisconsin

    5. Texas

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