
Top sites in Heidleburg, Germany?

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Top sites in Heidleburg, Germany?




  1. The inner city... the Neckar sites..the castle...the Königsstuhl..the Philosophenweg...Heidelberg is a gem. i love it, and so will you.

    Parking space is a problem, you better park well outside and take a bus.or tram.

    Yes, and eat at the "zum Goldenen Lamm" or have coffee at the "Cafe Schafheutle", it's the best!!!!!

  2. The castle and the old part of the city..Eat at The Golden Sheep

  3. It's quite old now ('99), but our travelogue should still provide some good tips and info for you:

    Have a great trip!

  4. Who's asking and what's in it for me?

  5. i had been there once...

    I would recommend visit the majestic red sandstone building,  Heidelberg Castle (also known as  Castle Garden)...

    Or U can shopping in der Hauptstraße...

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