
Topic for science report?

by  |  earlier

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In science, we can write a one page report for extra credit. The problem is, i do not know what topic to write about. Any suggestions ?





  1. write about how yahoo answers is the best place to go to ask a science question.  And you will likely just get some random answer for someone wanting to get 10 points for no real reason.  It just feel like ive actually accomplished something in life when i get 10 points.

    well anway write about anything in science that you know about.   Like just wikipedia something random like Nikola Tesla or the Hubble space telescope or How cell phones work..... how a crt tv works.... how anything works really... 1 page is not bad...

  2. Do something green like a cost benifit study on solar v's nuclear or wind, geo thermal.

  3. Dark matter is a good subject, it is matter in space that obmits no light yet has gravity.

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