
Topic suggestions for public speaking competition?

by  |  earlier

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I have done public speaking before but just wanted some suggestions on topics of interest that you think would be good/you would care to listen to yourself that I could

speak on. I have one minute to tlak about them.




  1. Depends on the audience, but I think recycling is an interest to everyone right now.  There are many freecycle groups (look for them in yahoo) where you can get a lot of good stuff free - or post things to give away stuff instead of tossing it out.   Not enough people use the city pick up recycling either (at least where I live) and if everyone did recycle it would save the city a ton of money...  some people just aren't sure how to do, what to recycle or not to recycle.  Basic info given in one minute would probably be of interest to a wide audience.

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