
Topics for if the Queen and Pope meet?

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If the Pope (Head of Catholic Church) and Queen Elizabeth (Head of Church of England/Anglicans) ever meet, what should they talk about?

a} - Christian unity?

b} - Youth?

c} - Poverty?

d} - Christian / Muslim Unity

e} - World Peace

f} - Other (serious)

g} - other (joke)

Choose as many as you like ... who knows, If they hear of it, they may come to a BBQ in Australia (neutral ground)

PS. Yes, I asked this in the Religious section, but too many idiots there




  1. Discuss what each feels about being the head of a church. That would be a good topic, if of course they could keep a straight face. German would be the choice of language. Today the churches, tomorrow the world!

  2. What their daddies done in the war

  3. They should speak on all the topics, they are all important to understanding.

  4. Dressmakers!

  5. F & G

  6. The Queen and the Pope are normal people just like everyone else. They will talk about everything You and Me are talking about in our everyday life, so I would vote for F and G in your questionaire.

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