
Torii Hunter aint doing the job batting 5th? They should push him back?

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Torii Hunter aint doing the job batting 5th? They should push him back?




  1. his ailing grandmother could have something to do with it.

    Regardless, where else would he go? Better yet...who would fill that void? Izturis? Aybar?

    C'mon - when he's on, he's on.

  2. no hes alright in that spot.they just need to move up kendrick into that third spot in stead of aybar or izturis.

  3. If there was a more viable option, yes he should be pushed back to like 7th. However when Maicer Izturs and Erik Aybar are hitting 3rd, and are the best options at those spots, the offensive choices are very limited.

  4. That isn't a question.  That is your opinion.

    And unless your name is Mike Scocisia, your opinion doesn't matter.

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