
(Torn) Should I stay or Go? (HELP)?

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Well I been dating this guy (man) that I have known for 7 years, about a year now. At first the relationship was perfect. He bought me gifts, gave me money, we went out, I visited him, we had s*x and everything. As the relationship went on about 5 months in he starts to change. He starts wanting to be around me more and he's not doing as well as he use to because he wants to spend all his time with me. Well as the relationship goes on it gets worse. He started to get very jealous and not wanting me to be around my mother, and my family and friends. So when I go see my family he always say that I'm out with another man and he even hits me at the times of the arguments. He apologizes for what he did but he still continues. He hasn't done it lately but he always calls me "b*****s and everything else if he gets mad. He still apolygizes but still does it. The only reason I feel bad because he was once this sweet person then he changed. He use to do everything for me but now he really can't afford it. I don't want him to think that I'm leaving him because a different reasons.I like him but I love myself more and I wont put up with it. I'm not going to lie I like the finnierr things in life so him not being able to do for me anymore stresses us both out. WHAT SHOULD I DO? SHOULD I STAYOR SHOULDD I GO?




  1. Go, he sounds like a batterer, ( wife beater)  everything you mentioned is the same as ive known of batterers, right now your sticking around cuase of the good old days and your hoping he will change back. Thats how you get stuck. they never change back, they only degress.

  2. go dig for gold

  3. go



  4. I was going to say maybe you need to give him more attention but when i read "He Hits Me", that just changes everything. He needs to change or you should definatelly go. Theres been times that my wife pisses me off so d**n much that I fell like hitting her and knocking her out cold but I never do or never will. Another thing that helps is one of you needs to realize(when arguing) that the argument is going nowhere and you should just take sometime to cool off. It only makes things worse if you sit there and argue back with him. You should tell him that his personality is making you loose feelings for him (not in argument though, when everything is calm) and that will make him think about the whole situation.

  5. Go

  6. Obviously you should stay.  If you can't figure this one out on your own, you deserve this r****d.  

  7. If hes changed like that towards you in a year of you being together, then what does that tell about your future if you stayed with him??!!  Do yourself a favour and leave him!

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