
Torn between electric or acoustic!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My latest musical conquest? Guitar!!

I wanna learn how to play, or at least have one to fiddle around with (no pun on the string instruments intended).

I'm thinkin' acoustic because you can play them anywhere with no amp, but then I'm also thinkin' electric because they look pretty awesome and they make funky noises that acoustics can't. Currently I love this guitar: (I was born in England).

Sooo yeah. What do all you Yahooers (Yahooites? Yahoo-users? Er...whatever) think I should do? Thankkkks for all your awesome answers.




  1. I started with electric, got another electric... and now finally moved to acoustic. I find that I pick up and play the acoustic more often, since it's just sitting there and good to go.

    That said, the electric does offer a lot more and at least in my case, is probably a little easier to play.

    You should go into a music store and give a couple of acoustic and electric guitars a go (just pick at some strings and make some pretty noises, since you don't know how to play yet :P) and see which one FEELS right for you.

    Also, don't go overboard with the price. Get a cheap one, so then in 6-12 months time if you still decide you want to keep going, you can go overboard and get something fancy.

  2. Get an electric acoustic combines the best of both

  3. Go with your gut. If you like the guitar it won't matter if it's electric or acoustic. If you should happen to choose acoustic there is a thing you can put on it that will make it electric. I can't remember right off what it's called. My x-husband used to play in a band (so did all his brothers!) and they all used one at one point in their careers. It's a vanity question it's upto you what you feel most comfortable with. And acoustic WILL make the same sounds.

  4. Go electric! Accoustics have very hard heavy strings that hurt your fingers way more when you're starting out. Plus a bad accoustic can't be made to sound good while a cheap electric can sound good if you play well or have good effects or amp. The biggest factor is that accoustics are way too loud to practice on. You'll drive everyone around you nuts until you get good. Even once you're good you wont be able to play at night if you live in an apartment. Get an electric. I've been playing for 16 years... Get an electric. You can always get an accoustic later if you want, once your fingers are strong enough. I've seen a lot of people buy accoustics to start out on and it ruins their chances of ever getting good because they can't play enough to get good because of the strenge accoustics take to play... Get an electric, trust me, I know...

  5. Definitely accoustic. Trust me. It's better to learn on, and it's got a more delicate sound. When you're hammerin' hard on that, then go get an electric. good luck :)

  6. I have an electric guitar with a small, but loud amp, which I can carry around, so I would prefer electric

  7. a great compromise would be an acoustic-electric guitar, the cool sound of an acoustic with a little edge plus its great plugged in or not. me personaly i love acoustic-electric guitars they are very versitale

  8. electric is way better guy

  9. i say learn with the acoustic you learn more then when u become a pro get you an electric

  10. go acoustic, it is cheaper and less fuss than an electric.  once you know what you are doing get an electric.  i always found that acoustics make you learn guitar properly because distortion on electrics hide a lot of things you are doing wrong.  plus I think to think of this analogy, if you learn the drive a van then you can drive any car with ease, the acoustic guitar is the van and electrics are the smaller cars.

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