
Tornado odds???????

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what are the odds of dying in a tornado in ottawa canada???




  1. 110000 in 1 or 0.000011%

  2. According to the weather agency, Canada sees about 60-80 tornadoes a year. Although they can strike virtually anywhere in Canada, about half hit the southern Prairies.

    Canada's "tornado alleys" are southern Ontario, Alberta, southeastern Quebec, and a band stretching from southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba through to Thunder Bay. The interior of British Columbia and western New Brunswick are also prone to twisters.

  3. If the future were to be entirely a repeat of the past, statistically nobody in Ottawa today would be expected to die from a tornado.

    But if weather patterns shift greatly, who knows?

    Recall that massive ice storm that blanketed eastern Ontario, south western Quebec? Now we can offer odds that this would happen, but what would we have said were the odds this might happen if we had been asked a month earlier? It would have been unthinkable.

    Well, we can not as readily convince ourselves of odds on a tornado should be based solely on past experience. We have seen too many freak weather shifts for that.

  4. about 1 in a hundred million or so, u dont need to worry about it all. It is more likely to die of cardiac arrest, or a car crash. Only stupid people die of tornadoes normally.

  5. Extremely small, though I don't have an actual odds calculation.  You are much more likely to die from a lightning strike there, and that is only a tiny chance in itself.

  6. Ottawa doesn't get that many tornadoes, compared to other places.  Tornodoes are most likely to form on the eastern edge of a trough of the jetstream.  This is why the midwestern U.S. is seeing a lot of them right now, El Nino has setup the jetstream to just kind of stay in western Nebraska and northwetstern Kanans.  What you need for a tornado is warm air trapped underneath colder air.  The jetstream has colder air on the north side of it, and when it makes a minor shift, that cold air can end up on top of the warm air.  The warm air also needs moisture (in in the case of the midwest, this comes up from the Gulf of Mexico).

    Anyhow, with the type of radar that we have today, it's pretty rare for a tornado to form without the weather service noticing it.  It can happen, but not very often.  Because in most cases there is sufficent time to take cover, deaths aren't very common.  

    Tornadoes aren't really that wide.  When Tornadoes rip across a region, very few people are actually in the path of the storm, and those few people typically have warnings.

    In the U.S., which has far more tornadoes than Canada, we average maybe 20 people (out of how many billion?) each year that die of tornadoes.

    Your odds are pretty slim of dying.
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