
Tornadoes in NJ?

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Ok well I was looking at tomorrows forecast and it says strong or sever thunderstorms and cloudbursts (idk wha tha means) and I was wonderin if u get tornadoes in NJ also does severe or strong storms mean tornadoes r likely?




  1. Tornadoes are not common in NJ, but I saw one, I believe it was in 1991 or 1992 in Freehold, NJ. Also my brother witnssed the aftermath of a tornado in the Pine Barrens, the trees were badly damaged, about 4 years ago.  Remember last year a tornado hit Brooklyn too. They are possible anywhere but I agree, not as common as many places.  It was not something I ever worried about growing up there!  Cloudbursts I believe means very heavy rainfall.  ** Funny, to the answerer above, I grew up in NJ, then moved to IN 4 years ago, I had not much idea about tornadoes when we moved here, but I sure do now.  One hit our house May 30, 2004 7 days after we moved in!!  Just minor damage but boy was that a wake up call! I agree with another answerer that cloudbursts (heavy rainfall) are not the same as microbusts (which are downdrafts of air which can cause 60-80mPH straight line winds).

  2. A Cloudburst is a strong, usually sudden, downpour of rain.

    It is NOT the same as a microburst or downburst.  Those have to do with air current, and don't necessarily include rain (but can).

  3. Cloudbursts, also known sometimes as downbursts or microbursts, are quickly descending winds in a thunderstorm that spread out in all directions when they hit the ground.  If the descending winds are storng enough, they can create damaging straighline winds.  They are sometimes mistaken as a tornado, but are typically not as strong.  

    Severe storms do not necessarily mean tornados are possible.  Severe storms require wind gusts in excess of 58 mph and/or hail exceeding 0.25" diameter.  In other words, not all severe storms spawn tornados...but all tornados come from severe storms.  

    According to the Storm Prediction Center ( ), an isolated tornado is possible tomorrow, but it will not be a widespread outbreak, meaning they are possible but not likely.  Straightline winds and hail will be the primary threat in any storms tomorrow.  But as with any severe weather outlook, not all areas in a targeted area will receive severe weather.

  4. They have happened in NJ, but they are very uncommon.  Severe or strong storms don't automatically mean tornadoes are likely.  If you live somewhere prone to tornadoes, and it is storming, you might keep an eye on things, but it still doesn't mean that the storm conditions are right for tornadoes.

    I grew up in Illinois then NJ, and it could storm all day in NJ, and I NEVER thought, "Oh, c**p, better get to the basement."  Once in college in Delaware I watched as the sky turned green.  I told my friend that if we were in the Midwest, I'd be headed for a basement.  But there?  It didn't even register with me.


    Hey Chris L, If the sky ever turns an odd color, like the green I described, it's usually a good idea to keep watch.  My dad also taught me something when I was visiting him once as I had been in NJ long enough not to know some things anymore.  He pointed out some clouds that were whirlling in an 'S' pattern.  He said, "If you see that, and the clouds ever complete a circle (instead of continuing the 'S'), head for the basement."  Oh, and sorry about your house.  Glad it was only minor damage.  That's a h**l of a welcome!

  5. no tornadoes are not common in nj

  6. Very doubtful, as they rarely occur in that part of the country.

  7. my usual answer to get points. it doesnt make sence, i know.

    .i seriously i dont know.

    ..i honestly i dont know

    ...i wish i dont know

    ....i said i dont know

    ...i think i dont know

    ..i know i dont know

    .i monkey i dont know
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