
Tornadoes in North Carolina ?

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Is it normal for North Carolina to get so many tornadoes and tornado warnings during this time of year?

I moved here last July from California....and I'm kinda freaked.




  1. who really cares it's just natures way of getting rid of the trash that lives in the southern states. i hope there is more to come

  2. yes it is normal they will get several chances for storms to produce tornadoes for this storm and tornado chances check out my site at

  3. tarndoes yah but wait for the hurricanes tornadoes always are bad in the south

  4. No that was a very unusual occurence and the weather there is usually very nice with little threat of tornadoes best of luck to you and dont worry the weather should improve soon =)

  5. nope, it's strange.

    thanks to global warming and everyone driving SUVs sucking up all of our gas.

  6. Hello there, i am a meteorologist so i will only give you the short answer to this. Tornadoes are more common where the ground is flat. In North Carolina they have to contend with the Appalachian Mountains. This will cause the tornadoes more of a challenge to stay alive. BUT don't let this fool you. Tornadoes have been spotted in the mountains. As for north Carolina. in the month of may they average 3 tornadoes a year. (This year has been above normal because every time a system has come, the jet stream has been moving over 200mph, right over the North Carolina. This of which combined with the eastern winds from the Atlantic, and the winds moving north from the Jet Stream, it has been causing some rotation in the atmosphere which is leading to an above average tornado season. The tornado season for North Carolina is normally in June, when we have a greater different in temperatures. To answer your question if the tornadoes are rare in may in North Carolina; the answer is NO. This is the 4 tornado for the season in North Carolina. Also not every time that the issue a Tornado Warning will there be a tornado. The Doppler radar we used can pick up on some rotation, and if we think a tornado may form we will issue a warning for safety precautions.

    If you have any more questions just instant message me at meteorologistmat or email me at Thanks.

  7. It's normal this time of year.  High & low pressure systems r meeting over there and when they mix, especially when 1 is cold & the other is warm, they can form tornadoes.

  8. It is not normal. I live in southeast virginia near the suffolk area and i have lived here for the past 20 years and i usually hear about tornadoes in north carolina about once every ten years. This time of the year is the peak for tornadoes, but north carolina generally doesn't get many tornadoes. I wouldn't really worry about it. The tornado that happened in suffolk last week was worst on record.

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