
Toro lawn mower makes knocking noise while cutting?

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I have a self propelled toro and when i start the motor it sounds like it should, but when i start mowing it makes a loud knocking noise. Any suggestions?




  1. check the blades, something may get stuck there, or the blades became loose.

  2. Make sure your blade is tight and if you have not had it sharpen in a couple of years you might want to do that or have it done. It might be out of balance. When it is sharpened is the best time to balance the blade.

    When the mower is off.....hold it up and look under it to see if you can see a shiny spot where the blade is hitting. if it part of mower casing....use a good hammer to bend it out away from blade.

  3. Take it from a lawn business owner, your blade is out of balance.

    Go to Lowes or Home Depot, hit the lawn and garden section where all of the replacement blades are. There should be a blade balancer/sharpener kit around that area. Ask an employee for help if you can find one these days.

    Refer to your user's manual to the procedures of removing your blade and reinstalling it. It isnt that difficult.

    Any time you sharpen your blades, you need to make sure that the blade is balanced as you are removing different weights on either side as the blade is filed down.

    Do all of this and your mower will settle down.

  4. check for loose or bent blade

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