
Toronto - Getting back from a concert at the Kool Haus.?

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I already know the route I have to take to get to the Kool Haus, however, I can't find any routes on the TTC website that indicate how I can get back to Union Station afterwards. Does anybody know of a route that runs around 11pm from the general vicinity of the Kool Haus that will take me to a subway station, or am I stuck walking/cabbing it?

Thank you in advanced.




  1. What i recommend is to call support for a Alt-Nacht mech with ride-on capability, it will allow you to traverse great distances in a small amount of time.

    However, you should ensure that there is suitable landing space for a mecha of that size, as not to cause any collateral damage.

  2. This may be a little late, but you could also take the #75 Sherbourne bus going northbound. I believe it loops by the Queens Quay/Jarvis area, even after midnight unlike most of the other surface routes. The #75 should take you to straight to Sherbourne station on the Bloor-Danforth line (which might be convenient for you, depending on where you're going).

    If you really need to get to Union station though, you can take the #75 a couple of stops up to Esplanade, and then transfer onto the #172 Cherry Street bus going westbound towards Union station.

    Hope this helps.

    (and, lol @ the first answer...)

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