
Toronto film festival?

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I am planning on going for the first time and was just wondering how do you know what celebrities will be at what premiers. specifically i want to see the secret life of bees and was wondering if the actors from the movie will be there at the screening of the movie. thanks!!




  1. There is a list on the film festival website of all of the celebs that were invited, so you can check to see there who might be coming.

    Then you have to make sure you are going to the gala. You will know because it will probably either be at Roy Thompson Hall or the Elgin.

    After that you won't know until you get there. I was told that if you do go to a gala, you are still pretty far away from the stars and they keep the regular people away. You might see them from afar, but apparently unless you get a spot right on the red carpet you can't get too close.

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