
Torticollis in an infant?

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Our 4 month old has a flat spot on her head and she always tills her chin in one direction. Our dr. said that we just need to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get worse. My question is has anyone ever had their baby do this and if so what did you do? We are now trying to give her a lot more tummy time and practice having her turn her head from side to side. We are hoping that it isn't torticollis? I would love to attach a picture but I'm not for sure how to!




  1. My daughter had torticollis when she was born. Well, from delivery really! She would always turn her head to the right. We had to do physical therapy for it. She also had erb's palsy from delivery though. Luckily both healed up nicely!

    For the neck definitely do lots of tummy time and when baby is on her tummy make her rotate her head from side to side. The physical therapist also showed us some neck stretches to do at home. But you would need to have a professional show you that for sure.

    Has she always done this?

    If it is torticollis you should start treatment right away to get rid of that flat spot and make her more comfortable. plus, so she doesn't have neck issues her whole life!

    You can ask another Dr about it. Or tell your Dr you want to have PT look at her and ask for a script and if you need it a referral.

    Torticollis needs physical therapy in most cases.

  2. I have a daughter who is 7 months old and was diagnosed with Torticollis at 6 weeks.  She had to go the PT route and it's a long but worth it process.  I would like to give you more advice about torticollis and what you have to look out for ..  Please email if you would like at

  3. Get a 2nd opinion, because if it's torticollis then it's best to start treating it while she is an infant.  My son got diagnosed at age 3 months and only required 6 months of physical therapy.  The physical therapist said that in older kids sometimes take years to correct it.

    In any case, my son always turned his head to one side and sort of tilted it up. Every child is different, it has to do with the way the baby was positioned in the womb.

  4. Our pediatrician suggested we take our son to our chiropractor to try and work out the torticollis.  It worked great.  However, you want to start ASAP b/c if your son's is too flat you may need an orthotic band and it is best to start those by 6 months.

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