
Tortoise is sheading skin?

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i have had my tortoise for nearly 2 years it was about 6 months old when i got it and in the last month it has started to shead skin around its legs and neck he has grown a little is this normal it is a herman tortoise

thanks for your help




  1. Yeah, of course it's normal. Shedding is what reptiles do!


  2. i have two herman tortoises and they have shed skin, but not loads. have you changed its diet recently because this can cause it.

  3. Shedding in turtles and tortoises can be normal. Normal sheds are very thin, happen  in small areas, are not often seen, and the tissue underneath looks clean and healthy.

    If it meets most of the things above, but is happening in larger amounts, it may be due to too-rapid growth or stress. Double check your basic cares, especially diet, temps, and humidity.

    If the shedding is thicker or the tissues do not look right underneath, then it is something else- fungus, rot, etc.

    Try for their medical care section to find what you can do.

  4. Shedding is normal, but make sure your humidity levels are correct.  They benefit from soaking once or twice a week, which can also help with shedding.  Read more here:

  5. yes tortoises do shed their skin, usually it comes off in small pieces so you don't always notice it,  as long as the skin under neath look healthy it is completely normal, usually a good bath will help soak the skin off but don't pull it off let it come off naturally,

  6. I think its normal for some turtles, but all i know is that mine never did for the short time we owned him

  7. Yes, it is normal.

    BUT...If it keeps up, the lighting can be too intense for his skin.

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