
Tosa Inu VS. Presa Canario,what is the better gaurd dog?

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Wich will win if they fight.(Do Not Fight Dogs,I am Just Curious).Thinking bout getting one of the two.




  1. Quit asking the same questions over and over. If you want to guard your house and your family get a good security system and/or invest in a gun.

    No breed comes out of the ***** the best guard dog. They need TON of proper and professional training and so does the owner. If you are not going to invest your time and money in doing this right do not get ANY sort of dog

  2. Which ever is a better guard dog does not define which will win a fight.

    Sorry, cannot answer your question.

  3. if they fight each other or a human (burgler, etc..)? Both are powerful enough to be good guard dogs. The Presa might be a bit more powerful and vicious but it could be a challenge to train if you are not experianced with big dogs. The Tosa might be a little easier to train but the Presa would win the fight (against a human or the Tosa). I wouldn't recommend either unless you are experienced with large dogs. I got a Boxer puppy (medium-large size) and he can be a handful sometimes but he is a perfect loyal guard dog for me because I was not experienced with those massive breeds. I wanted a Presa or a Bull Mastiff but maybe I'll get one in the future after mine dies.      

  4. Nethier if they weren't trained for it. Havent you ever heard its not the size of dog in the fight its the size of fight in the dog. But anyway who would when a fight doesnt have anythng to do with who would protect you best.

  5. for my money the tosa would be the way to go.tosa are normally bigger than the presa and are still breed in japan for the very legal "sport" of dog fighting .the presa canario has no chance against a performance breed tosa....the tosa comes in three weight classes,light,middle and heavyweight;i'm partial to the middle weight tosa  myself.both the tosa and presa can be awsome guard dogs,but on dog to dog combat the edge goes to the tosa

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