
Total amount of flights?

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What is the total amount of flights that take place in the world every year?




  1. It would be interesting to know as out of that number I have made about two hundred most of them being to the USA. I have an excuse for that as my Daughter lives there.

  2. If the statistics for May 2008 cited by the Official Airline Guide (OAG) are repeated monthly for the entire year, there are about 31 million scheduled flights per year. That number only includes the number of flights on airlines and does not include private planes or military flights. The latter number is probably unclassified, and I am nt sure where the number of private plane flights would available.

  3. Thats a very hard question to answer, Dallas Fort-Worth Airport has about 1000 flights a day from AA, DFW is one of the larger airports, so you would need to add all flights per day from all airports them X by 365

  4. more than 1billion

  5. There are too many to count. :)

    I'm not sure of the exact number but it's rumored that in December almost half of the amount of flights currently going out worldwide will be non-existent.  

  6. Total worldwide passenger traffic reached an all time high in 2007, increasing by 6.8 percent over 2006. Final reports from 1200 ACI member airports confirm that they processed 4.8 billion passengers, 88.5 million metric tonnes of cargo and 76.4 million aircraft movements.

    The busiest airports in the world remained in their dominant position, Atlanta staying on top with over 89 million passengers, followed by Chicago O’Hare (76m), London Heathrow (68m), Tokyo Haneda (67m) and Los Angeles (62m). However, when just international traffic is taken into account, the top five busiest airports are London Heathrow (62m), Paris Charles de Gaulle (55m), Amsterdam (48m), Frankfurt (47m) and Hong Kong (46m).

    While worldwide passenger numbers grew by nearly 7 percent, the growth in aircraft movements was at 2.4 percent, showing that the industry worldwide has moved to larger aircraft and are filling more seats. Aircraft movements handled by the world’s airports totaled 76.4 million last year. Nine out of the top ten airports with highest aircraft movements are in the USA, reflecting the large share of domestic and regional traffic in that market.

  7. Do you mean the number of flights annually?  I could not find a direct answer to that, but did find a site giving the figure of 2.51 million flights just in the month of May.  Multiply that by 12 and you would get a good estimate of the number per year...about 30.12 million flights.

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