
Totally Fed up!!!!!!

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This is the last place i want 2 come 4 advice but ive jus had enough!! i have been with my bf 4 7years we have a 1 year old 2getha,but i jus dont love him anymore,we dont do anything 2 getha because he doesnt like 2 spend money (or mayb thats just an excuse)even when i offer 2 pay he doesnt want 2 do anything,since our baby has been born ive always been the 1 2 get up with him early in the mornin while my bf lays in til stupid oclock,he plays the pc til like 5 in the mornin,thats if hes not workin,iim fed up of bein on my own i feel like im a single mother with jus some1 livin in the house,ive tried talkin 2 him and he says hel change and help out more etc but it never happens,i really dont want another 7years of this but im fed up of not bein happy and he can see im not happy because he constantly asks whats the matter,arrgghhh ive had enough lol!!




  1. maybe he knows how you feel but still cant imagine that he has  a baby!

    dont let your love go away with the pain and the hard time

    we all  knw that its hard raising a baby!

    try to talk to him,be honest

    because if u didnt the family would separate!

    u dont want ur baby to live with one parent

    he need to have a mom and a dad like every other kid at skol

    tell him how u feel u can make him listen

    and he will listen because he loves you!

    good  luck!

  2. If he asks you what's the matter, tell him straight what's wrong. If he doesn't change his ways, either kick him out or move out (with family if possible).

    As they say, it's better to be alone than having bad company.

  3. can't be all bad, you laughed at the end of your statement

  4. Say to home again then, most men need to be spoken to about a thing 2 or 3 times before they will take notice. say a want to do something even if its going out for a bite to eat or getting a Take Away together & cosey in! Men never want to spend money or they use the frase i am skin when really we know that they are not! Tell him you he has to take turn @ getting up with the baby its not fair on you to get your sleep disturbed everynight! 5 in the morning playing the PC!! what the h**l is he doing till that time in the morning?? try to get him to come to bed a bit earlyier, tell him infact to stop staying up to that time in the morning when he has a baby to look after! Tall him things have to change really or hes out of there!!

    a feel for you hen!! but try talk to him again! if it doesny work then get shot of him!

  5. He sounds like a catch.

    But dump him anyway.

  6. ell you cant stay together just cos you dont want your son without a dad?????!!  he'salways gonna have his dad so you have to make a decision on what you really want, if its a life without your b/f then its just gonna have to be,if you have tried talking to him & its not sinking in then what other choice do you have? he wont change, they never do & if he does it never lasts long so maybe he's not the one............ life is here to be enjoyed not to have a burden like that!!  you want your son to have a happy home life so concentrate on yourself & your son & i reckon move on!!

  7. sounds like the 7 year itch or ditch as my mom calls it. You have got into a routine of not going out and he has got into a routine of playing on the comp and leaving you to do things.

    ok first you need to sit down and and tell him its time to take it in turns with the baby, you get up first then its his turn, dont forget to roll him out the bed on his turn if he doesnt get up he will soon learn and get into the routine.

    at least one saturday a month(or a day that suits best) a family member of friend is going to babysit and your going out, you need to spend time together to enjoy other things and it will give you both something to look forward to. Im sure he could afford that.

    could you go out with a freind or family member for a few drinks one night and let him watch the baby and let him go out one night to. I know i feel like im going mad if i dont get to talk(moan) to family or a friend.

    Just try once more to put things in the right direction if he still is being selfish, i would suggest you have some time apart to sink into him that it cant go on like this.


  8. I think you should just break up with the guy. He's not committing to you or the baby. And it's kinda obvious he doesn't want to either. If you need help, I suggest maybe asking friends to help and support you. Friends REALLY help. xD

    And surprisingly, as weird as it may seem, your parents would definitely help, unless they've got seem weird problem and some type of disease that they don't recognize their own daughter.

  9. Why don't you take him to go and see a relationship counsellor together? It will give you a chance to actually talk about your issues openly, and he will be forced to listen.

    I don't think it's a good idea to leave him, for the sake of you aswell as your baby, you might end up regretting it in the long term.
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