
Totally Lost, Should I leave her Or stay?

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Hey everyone, I'm 16, girl, L*****n, and i'm kinda in a hard situation..

My girlfriend and i have been together since June 3 2008, and it's pretty serious between us, and since day 1 i have been totally honest with her about everything, i told her my flaws and weak points.. Two of those were that i usually drank and smoked.. and when she said she didn't like that cause it hurts me and all that stuff, i told her ok it's not that big of a deal and i'll stop it.. And i was also honest with her about me having epilepsy and i asked her if she had any health problems or anything that i should know, she said no..

Then one day we were out and i saw alotta marks on her arms and i asked her what the h**l is that?? and she told me that she had suicide issues and stuff because of accepting her sexuality and stuff.. I was upset that she didnt tell me before and i told her that, and i asked her if there's anything else, she said no and that's all, and that she was worried about telling me earlier cause it was too soon..

Then today i was amazed when she told me that she had schizophrenia before and it lasted for a year and 4 months, and she was done with treatment a month before we started dating.. i was really angry and pissed cause i ASKED her alot before and she said that she didn't have any problems,. this time i asked her if there's anythin else, she said that she had bulimea [eating disorder] before and the self mutilation [suicde] thing.. I told her i swear if i find out that there's anyting else u've hidden from me, im sorry but i have no choice but to leave cause i don't know if i'll be able to trust u...

Now i'm totally lost because of 2 things:-

-i don't know if she's that sane to be with in a serious relationship, eventhough she acts really sane, and my friends met her and she's totally ok.. im still kinda worried

-i don't know if she'll be honest with me later on.. evernthough this time she was honest..

i really need help with this... I really love her, i don't wanna leave her, i truely care.. I'm helping her out, but i need someone to help me out too.. especially since my parents got a divorce on June 21 and it's been a bit hard, she's helped me through it, so this confuses me, cause she seemed really sane...





  1. That is WAYY too much baggage.

  2. The 1st thing you should know is that it's harder for some people to open up then it is for others. Some people need time to open up, even if you did it doesn't mean she will because people are different. Maybe she thought that her problems next to yours were more complicated and was afraid of your reaction. Don't get upset that she's not telling you everything right now, it probably takes her some time but it's better then not saying anything at all. If you get mad everytime she tells you something she might not tell you anything anymore.

    2nd of all if you know that she's going through a tough a phase help her if you really love her. Being with someone is more then the whole ''love'' part there is also the hard part when you have to show your partner that you're not going to let them go no matter what. She wants you to help her or else she wouldn't have admitted anything to you.

  3. She may have waited to tell you this information because she was afraid that you were going to leave her. A lot of people are not sure what to think about people with mental issues. Both of you need each other. Stay together and just work through it. It really could have been worse, like her cheating on you. Just talk to her. Dont change how you treat her. Be there for her. Good Luck. You can contact me anytime!!  

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