
Totally confused...wat should my next step be??

by  |  earlier

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I have a very good friend...he shares everything with has been such that he used to call often we used to speak hours together...i got so used to this and his companionship that i keep on expecting his call enthusiastically...i do can call him..i do too...but he is not acting as he was before...he has changed...all these are eating me up...i over think about this situation...wat should i do??have to accept the change and move on??or are guys like this..usually speak and then just move on...(no not blaming all guys).This is the first time a guy is speaking so closely to only am not able to decide wat to do..




  1. All guys are not the same. Hope so you have felt some change in him.

    If you can trust him, then move on.. or else just be some what close to him and share few things.


  3. both of you sit together and have along will know what to do then

  4. no not all guys are like this-simply ask him what has changed. that is the only way to get an answer,which may be for the better or worse-

    you may also have to move on,so prepare for that possibility

  5. it's normal honey. all guys do that. just ask him whats going on, if anything has changed, etc. if you've gotten attracted to him then be ready for a hurtful answer. he might have found a girlfriend and thinks it would be inappropriate to talk to you so much.

    either way, just prepare yourself. and don't feel bad. this happens way to often.

    i wish you the best!!!

  6. get going with some new guy . it will help u in forgetting the 1st one. good luck

  7. Have a one to one talk personally and  try  to get the reason for the act

    and then have ur opinion

  8. nothin

    just act coooooooooool

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