
Tough Question: All my friends are leaving for colllege and Im home...what to do?

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I'm living at home but attending college just living home, all my friends are moving out and it's basically a long distance friendship which is going to change everything, what do I do, I can't expect my friends to come down just for me because I don't live near them. I don't live on campus so I can't be there 24/7 to just hang or chill. The drive is a hassle too, once I'm there I'm there, once I'm gone, I'm gone. Help!!!!




  1. Find out if your college has a semester or quarter abroad program and start saving up. It will give you some new experiences similar to what your friends are doing and likewise give you common ground. Also, it will force you to make new friends which you're going to need. Join a study group, while you're at it.  

  2. why not stay there? is it for money? if yes then your drive might cost the same in the end.

    if no you just want to be at home make sure you plan ahead. you might miss some fun things but keep plans to keep friends

  3. You can stay in their dorms over night, webcam with them, and talk on the phone. But also get some friends who live near you so you're not alone!

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