
Tough Question for those who really know this sport.?

by  |  earlier

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I was at a volleyball coaching clinic today, and the speaker was talking about a very prominent professional team from China or Japan, I can't remember which. He said that while he was practicing with them, he noticed that they rarely practiced serve receive.

When he asked their coach about it, the coach told him that after all the defensive practice they had; passing serves was easy (they were well known for def). So I’m wondering if this sounds practical or not. After learning serve receive, can you just practice defense a lot to keep it in practice?




  1. yes it is well imagine if u don't no how to bump then u cant get a set to spike the ball over and get a kill. and ;yes serving can be the sane as  a spike if u look at it in the defense position.

  2. definitely.. having a good offense is nothing without a good defense.

  3. oh defintely..having a good offense is nothing when you have a crappy defense..defense is the most important, although it is good to have a good hitter, but like i said..defense is everything..

  4. the coach is right. after becoming very skilled at defense, serve recieve becomes quite easy. compared to the hard hit balls they have to dig, a serve is like a treat. of course there also are very good servers so i would say that they should still practice serve recieve sometimes.

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