
Toughest sport ?

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I heard a few people saying that water polo is the toughest sport in the world.Are they right?My personal opinion is that the toughest sport is thai boxing.Am I right?




  1. When you say toughest do you mean hardest to play or most violent/dangerous? If you mean the hardest to play then it definitely isn't rugby as its pretty easy, trust me i played it three times a week at two and a half hour sessions for nearly a full year. I would say soccer or irish hurling


    no doubt. running is the 'punishment' of many other sports.

    but running is the actual sport for others.

  3. There is not a tougher sport then Gymnastics! OMG KILL ME! I have never worked my body so hard in my life! You dont only have to be strong, you have to be focusted, flexible, consistent and BRAVE! and you have to ignore your pain. It takes everything in you to do this sport. And if Gymnastics were easy they'd call it football.

  4. i would say rugby!

  5. i would say hockey or tennis becuase both of them have running back and forth for long periods of time

  6. mma and pride fighting
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