
Tounge piercing???..........?

by Guest44635  |  earlier

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just wondering ino its not safe and blah blah but i was just wondering how would you pierce your tnge yourself?





  1. dont do ittt!...and if u do at least get it done by someone that knows how to.

  2. don't do it. that's ur biggest mistake. even if someone told u how to do it. DONT!. cause my brother pierced his tongue by himself. but he knew what he was doing. then a friend of his did it. and she lost half of her tongue feeling. n they had to do surgery. from alot of bleeding. and if u do go to a professional. do ur research,. i have piercings and tattoos. and piercings u can definitely undo. but they also can cause alot of damage .

    . and if u decide to get it done professionally. don't let just anyone do it. grill them befor u let them touch u

  3. sterile needle. oh yeah and something to yell into. It hurts like h**l. do it anyway totally worth it.

  4. Do not pierce your tongue yourself! By all means get a professional to do it properly. You can get an infection, which could lead to hospitalization.

  5. Yes it is dangerous.  It's not like piercing your ear.  There are nerves and blood vessels in your tongue that you could really do damage to.  

    The piercer will use a special light to identify the danger zones.  They will also use sterile hypodermic type needles to remove a small core of tissue.  

    This will allow proper healing and reduce swelling.

  6. some girl from my school piered my tounge

    with the piercing

    it didnt hurt buht yooh kinda need to see that yooh dont have any veins in the middle or where ever your planning on placing it

    tell someone to pierce it for yooh :)

    like a friend whose pierced someone elses already

    its easier  

  7. uhh thats not the best idea.. please dont do that

  8. you cant

  9. Not a good idea... those sorts of things can get verrry infected. verry fast.

    Actually, I dunno.


  11. i wouldn't recommend trying it yourself could be very dangerous if u hit the wrong nerve u won't be able to speak clearly again

  12. with a leather needle it is curved. I wouldnt do it.

  13. What the "F" r u talking about .Don't u dare to do it.

  14. eeeook...dont even want to think about it.

  15. Do not--I repeat--DO NOT--attempt to do your own tongue piercing.  There are areas of the tongue that if pierced, can lead to nerve death and facial deformity, not to mention the risk of infection.  Only a professional piercer should do this.  Have some patience, save up the dough, and get it done right.  It's not worth the risk to save $50 or $60.

  16. Please dont do that its a certain way to pierce ur tongue and if u hit the wrong nerve ur tongue will be screwed 4 life so  

  17. You can't pierce your tongue yourself so DO NOT DO IT.  If you don't get the piercing in just the right spot, you can paralyze your tongue making it immobile.  Not to mention you'll put your self at risk for severe infection and pain.  It's really not a bright idea.  

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