
Tour around italy and switzerland?

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i'll be in rome for 4 days. if i want to extend my vacation and tour around italy and switzerland, are there any tour package which is cheap and nice? anyone pls kindly let me know..tks alot




  1. Hey, I just got back from Rome actually. I took a tour with the  company Contiki, and it went through Switzerland as well as Italy. My tour also included London, Paris, and Austria, but there are other options on the website that focus more on a particular country or countries, especially Italy. I know there's a 9 day Tuscany Tour, a 13 day Simply Italy tour, and an 8 day Italian Expresso. My last tour ended in Italy and I was going to take another one while I was there. As for Switzerland, there are a lot of different European packages offered. Maybe look at "Road to Rome". But anyways, my trip turned out to be great and now I really wish  I would have booked that second tour and saw more of Europe when I had the chance. The website is and my email is if you want to ask me anything more specific. I love talking about my trip so feel free. ok, well hope everything works out for you. Happy travels.

  2. Depends no your definition of cheap....but there are several shorter extended tours you can do.  I could tell you these, but honestly this is one of the MANY reasons to call a travel agent.  If you are a seasoned agent and any good at your job we know these things =)

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