
Tourettes Tic Controll?

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i Have A tic(tourette syndrome) where i start huffing, it just re- started just in time for school and i want to know if there is an way to controll it without meds




  1. You may have suppress your tics until you can release them later.  Have your parents, or you, ask your Principal to let you stand up and walk out into the hall when you really need to tic.  That way, you can continue with your class.  

    From the TSA web site:

    Loud vocal tics in the classroom

    Question: I found your address/website while performing a search on Tourette's.   I am a learning consultant in NJ who is working with a youngster who has this syndrome.  He is medicated but loud vocal tics are becoming difficult to deal with and disrupting to others in the class.    Any suggestions or recommendations you could offer which would help us help this student would be welcomed. Thank you.  

    TSA answers: Loud vocal tics can be very difficult to deal with in a classroom setting.  I find that the most effective way to deal with this is first and foremost through peer education.  Once classmates understand TS and why the student is doing what he/she is doing, the tics usually calm down naturally because stress exacerbates tics.  The stress this child is experiencing due to embarrassment, fear of disrupting the class, etc. will cause the tic to be worse.  Giving the child frequent breaks out of the classroom to release tics in a more private, less embarrassing environment is also very helpful.  I always send kids with these disorders on errands or give them a special pass to leave the room for a short break whenever they need to.  I would not recommend suggesting to the child that he needs to leave the room because that in itself can be stressful.  Errands are great ways to let kids leave without them feeling like they're are not wanted in the classroom.  Providing a safe private place for the child to go when tics are particularly difficult can also help tremendously, e.g. the nurse's office, the counselor's office, etc. Once the other kids understand what TS is, the noises just become just like was to shout out 5 or 6 times a class period, "I've got a chicken in my pants".  Once everyone understood, no one paid any more attention to it than when someone sneezed, blew their nose, droppeda book, sharpened their pencil, or any of the other hundreds of interruptions that we have in our classroom. I strongly suggest that you visit the TSA website (  Go to the education section where you will find some very good articles and brochures on dealing with TS in the classroom.  I especially recommend a peer inservice model entitled "Educating Classmates about TS", available through our online store (Catalog Item E-122, or downloadable item E-122DD), and an article entitled "Specific Classroom Strategies for Working with Students with TS in the Classroom" (catalog item #E-115b, or downloadable item #E-115bDD).  These can be very helpful. I hope this helps.  I also ask that you keep in mind that as disturbing as the noises are to the classroom, imagine the life this child must lead every day of his life with such a difficult and misunderstood disorder.  Your acceptance of this child will model to the other students how to also treat him.  School may become his only safe place away from home.

  2. It's really hard.  You can focus on keeping it away, but that usually makes it hard to enjoy anything else.

    Try to avoid thinking about it, and try to keep from being stressed.  Those will make it worse.

  3. I know what you mean, my brothers just started after a day of school

    Try to relax and don't do anything that'll keep the brain too crazy (like video games, computer, stuff like that)

  4. Cognitive behavioral therapy

    habit reversal in the treatment of tics

    Relaxation Techniques are exercise, yoga or meditation

  5. They have natural supplements that someone I know used and they worked really well for her..I'm not sure what the names of what she was using are, but just read up on it or go to a health food store and ask them.

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