
Touring Gettysburg battle fields yesterday, I felt such reverence and respect for the many who died.?

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Those fields are hallowed ground. There was also a feeling I can't describe, like a vibe, or a connection to the place itself, almost as if it was calling out to me.

Have you ever felt that way when visitng such a place? I experienced the same sensation at the World War II memorial in Washington, DC last year.




  1. I''ve been there too, specifically at the copse of trees on top of Cemetery Ridge looking down at the gentle slope to the trees in the distance.  It's as if i was transported back in time, except for the occasional car that drove down the pike in the distance...but yeah, it was a moving experience.

  2. Yep, I felt that feeling many times on civil war battlefields and memorials to fallen solders. I also felt it in Independence hall, the place were both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was signed.

    The biggest feeling was in the Illinois Memorial on the gounds of the Vicksburg battlefield. My Great, Great Grandpa was one of the many men from the land of Lincoln that came and fought on this soil. It was probable a feeling touching a part of myself that we don't often touch enough, the history of our self, are family's legacy, and what are blood line did to help move the nation to its present state.

  3. I felt the same when I visited the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, Pa.

  4. Well said.

  5. I do hope you never lose that feeling.

    Today, it's easy to do.  In many ways all veterans feel, "the best of us were left behind."

    Well Done!

  6. i can relate...i've been to several such places here in ga

  7. I have been to many battlefields, from F & I thru the civil war and Indian Wars in the west, and there is something unique and special about Gettysburg. It does bring out some deep emotion that is hard to describe!

  8. Last summer my husband and I toured the Revolutionary War sites and we felt the same way at Valley Forge.  Knowing what those men went through (no food, no shoes marching through snow with bloodied feet, no pay, rustic cabins with no heat, etc.) and how much they believed in what they were fighting for humbled me.  Every American needs to visit these sights to fully understand the history of this country.

  9. I went there last summer and I felt the same way almost like a deep respect for the fallen soilders . I think that you should keep remembering that feeling and share it with others so that they too can feel that miraculous feeling.

    Good luck and keep visiting places like that.

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