
Tourism in yemen?

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have tourism Company in Yemen how can get tourists from Europe




  1. Hi! I'm Portuguese and I went to Yemen last March. I visited Sana'a, Taiz, Ibb, Aden and some small other cities and villages (I took some photos that are on GoogleEarth). I went with three other friends, and of course it is not recommendable for family tourism, although I saw a western couple with a toddler, as well as some older couples and families with grown kids.

    Yemen is not what general people think. It is indeed an underdeveloped country that lacks some facilities that we are used to see in Europe, such as ATMs, places to go out at night, malls, cinemas or shops. But there is a lot of other much more interesting and rare things to see, such as the unique old city of Sana'a, the ancient architecture, the friendly people, the extraordinary mountainous landscape, etc etc. There is a magnificent hotel in Sana'a that was rebuilt from a traditional Yemeni building by an Italian living there since he was 5, and it was packed with tourists, most of them Italian. People don't go to Yemen to see what they can see in their own countries everyday, so that is why it is so outstanding.

    Yemen is an exotic country to our western eyes. I won't say it's not dangerous, but there are rules and you must follow them as in any other place on the world. Places that are considered outstandingly dangerous are closed to tourists by authorities.
    The most amazing about a closed country (as some think), is the extremely warm welcoming people, how they look forward to know where you're from and making you feel actually welcome. Even the women, covered with niqabs, were a surprise, and we actually managed to talk to a young woman that spoke very good English, ad she told us that our idea about countries like Yemen is preconceived and sometimes untrue.

    Maybe this is not the best time to visit Yemen due to the ongoing war in the North, but be alert, and when things look a little more peaceful, you may well be at the edge of a trip of a lifetime.

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