
Townsville Queensland?

by Guest64931  |  earlier

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We are thinking of moving to Townsville Queensland. Could I please have any relevant links to site for good schools, real estate and employment.

Just wondering if anybody lives there as an expat and can help on the big move from the UK. thanks




  1. well you have already been given a lot of good information there lol. i live in townsville, have done for the past 17 years, still here, love it. as previously said it really depends on the type of lifestyle you want. renting isn't cheap here but its not really too bad either, compared to other places. depending on your previous work experience, if i was you i would probably try to get a government job, try queensland health, centrelink, townsville city council etc. you can pretty much get yourself a job anywhere here if you just ring them up and tell them you want one! if you private email me with your work experience or what qualifications you have or what you actually do i can give you the name of a few companies that might have employment opportunities for you. in regards to real estate try search renting and townsville, include surrounding suburbs, but be aware some of the surrounding suburbs are 80kms out of town, you can generally get a reasonable priced house in condon or kirwan for a good price and its a good area, i personally like condon/kirwan area better than riverside and fairfield because riverside and fairfield houses are built right next to each other, barely no yard, the streets are tiny as, not even big enough to fit two cars through half the time, condon and kirwan are a little more spread out. if you do admin try i have a friend who works there and whenever i refer people to kelly services they always get a job, umm if you have any questions just private mail me and i will reply as soon as i can

  2. For real esate you would need to have some suburb names. Have a look at Townsville on the map.

    Then you can visit and put chosen suburbs in search field.



    Maybe of interest

  3. Sorry I cant help you, but OMG I love Townsville.

    I'm so jealous of you guys, have a blast!!

  4. G'day!

    I'm stoked that you're considering moving to Townsville!  I've had about 18 years experience living there so hopefully I'll be able to point you in the right direction with regards to the information you're looking for.  I also have a soft spot for Brits at the moment - ironically, next month I'm heading over to Lincolnshire in your fine country for a working holiday :-)

    Ok, Townsville is a fairly large regional city with a population of just under 150,000.  The urban section of the city covers about 140km², however the general "Townsville" region spreads out much further than that (I grew up in a place called Bluewater which is 35km north of the city, yet we still referred to it as being part of Townsville).  So as far as schools and real estate goes, it really depends on which part of the town you'd like to live in.

    If you're looking for an urban lifestyle close to the CBD, I would suggest suburbs such as Townsville City, North Ward or Belgian Gardens.  Further out from the CBD but still within the urban district are suburbs such as Annandale, Aitkenvale, Hermit Park, Kirwin and Pimlico, and further out still are the riverside suburbs of Rasmussen, Condon and Kelso.  If you'd like more of a laidback, "beachside community" lifestyle then I would recommend the Northern Beaches suburbs such as Bohle, Mt. Low or Bushland Beach.  Do a search for Townsville on Google Maps ( for an idea on whereabouts all these suburbs I mentioned are located.

    Some examples of primary schools (grade 1-7) include:

    Belgian Gardens State School:

    Aitkenvale State School:

    Annandale State School:

    Kirwan State School:

    Bohlevale State School:

    High schools (grade 8-12) include:

    Townsville Grammar School:

    Townsville State High:

    William Ross State High:

    Kirwin State High:

    Northern Beaches State High:

    And also keep in mind Townsville is home to James Cook University:

    For real estate, I would suggest browsing through the Helen Munro Real Estate web page - they are a reputable real estate agent that specifically deals with the Townsville region:

    Ferry Properties ( and Northern Town & Country Real Estate ( are other Townsville-specific agents worth checking out.

    Regarding employment, have a browse through Career One.  They are a part of a nationwide newspaper network, but they advertise jobs specific to Townsville in the local paper as well as online:

    Also have a look through the Seek website for employment opportunities:

    For other general information about Townsville, I highly recommend these links as well:

    The local newspaper, the Townsville Bulletin:

    Townsville City Council:

    Townsville Wikipedia article:,...

    Oh, and I can't forget our two national sporting teams:

    North Queensland Cowboys (rugby league):

    and the Townsville Crocodiles (basketball):

    (I can guarantee you'll fit straight into the community if you show your support for our two teams!)

    The only downside to Townsville that I can think of in your case would be the weather in summer.  From about October to February, there is a good chance that coming from the UK, you find the weather to be uncomfortably hot and humid, with temperatures sometimes reaching the upper 30's.  The good news is that most homes are airconditioned and there is a lot of emphasis on watersports throughout the city, so there are always ways of keeping yourself cool.

    Well I hope I didn't overload you with information there!  All the best with your plans to leave the UK, and I really hope you consider Townsville as a potential destination.  We'd love to have you :-D
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