I recently got a new 55g off of craigslist. I washed it out using warm water to get all the dust out of it. I filled it with pond gravel and sand. I filled the tank with water, added some Flourish and loaded the tank with different types of plants (water wisteria, java fern, Moneywort, amazon sword) There is 2w per gallon. Within 3 days everything was dead. All the plants became mushy but they all kept their color.
I am guessing I have some form of toxin in my tank but I don't know what it could be. The guy who sold me the tank said he did not use any cleaner on it, but he could be lying. How can I test for different toxins without having to throw everything away and start over ?
So far I have replaced the water a few times over and I have added tons of de-cholorinator in case he used bleach in the tank. I am probably going to try the plants again to see if the problem has been solved.