
Toys for adult cats?

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i have a persian cat, she is almost one year old. there aren't any good pets shops in my country so il try to buy some toys online, but i was wondering what will attract a lazy one year old persian?

*she doesn't like toys with catnip

*i got her a tree once, but she didn't like it

thank you




  1. Lazer pointers are good.

    Also anything with a ribbon something with bells.

    My cat loved playing with my lanyard. i would shake it and she would try to catch it.

  2. I just got a cat about a month ago (he's about a year old) so I have been discovering what he likes and doesn't like.  Every cat is different however so you mileage may vary...


    balls of paper

    things with feathers

    things with bells

    things with bells and feathers

    little toy mice with feather tails and wrapped in twine

    foam balls

    warhammer 40k miniatures (grr!)

    All of the above he will play fetch with as well as bat them around, I haven't found my laser pointer, but I am sure he will love that too.

    Things he doesn't like much/at all

    hard balls, he might bat them around once but if he can't bite it, he doesn't want it.

    catnip toys, they don't do anything for him

  3. You might try kitty bubbles. My cat likes them and so does the neighbor's cat. Be sure to wipe off their paws and head after, so they don't ingest any soap.

    It sounds like she needs interaction in order to get involved in playing. Maybe something that moves like those mice that go in circles and then play dead.

    Have fun.

  4. try simple things first to see what she might like

    we can buy our cats toys, get them home, and the cat will like the plastic bag more

    we also have these ribbons on a stick that we got at a wedding

    and the cat's love that

    so again, before buying a bunch of toys, try figuring out what kinds of things the cat might like

    update:  I would have to agree with Horseplay about the laser.....I've never met a cat who didn't love/hate those things

  5. You can make one! It'll be fun. Here is some ways to make one.

    1.) Take a stick about at least a foot long.

    2.) Take a string that is about at least a yard long (two yards are better.)

    3.) Take a feather (or maybe one of your cat's catnip toys.)

    4.) Tie one end of the string to the stick, and tie the feather or one of your cat's toys to the other end.

    5.) Then you have a toy! I make them all the time for my cats and they love them!

  6. Oh, gosh, each cat has different taste in toys.  You'll just have to try different things.

    I have a senior cat who has never been much in to toys, but there are a few toys she does like...  

    She likes yarn dangled in front of her (this is probably the cheapest toy ever).  dragging string across the floor can get her to chase it too.

    She also loves (every cat I've had has loved these) the little rabbit fur mice.  They are usually 50 cents at pet stores... just a little plastic mouse covered in rabbit fur.  Because it's real fur, it can entice even the laziest cat.

    Feathers are also super enticing, like the feathers attached to the end of a wand.

    And finally, we got the "automatic cat exerciser" from sharper image, and though I was skeptical, it's actually a big hit for all my cats.  It is battery operated and spins a wand around with a toy on the end.  

    All my cats love laser pointers too.

  7. my cats love this thing we got that is like a fishing pole, its got a feather on the end attached to a string and they jump up in the air after it

    try some of these toys

  8. Try some simple around the house things. Plastic rings from milk jugs, empty spools, wadded up pieces of paper, simple string or ribbon. I have found that with Persians, it is not really the toy that counts, it's the time YOU spend playing with them.

  9. try HONEYSUCKLE toys if you can find them

    the laser pointers are dangerous and have blinded some cats

    in truth Persians are happy to lay around, and are not overly active cats.. they were bred this way

    try catnip again, if you offered it to her when she was under 6 months it doesnt effect some of them at that age - try again.

  10. Big fat furry mowsie toy rubbed in catnip. Even if she doesn't care fot eh catnip I think she may like the mousie. Small mousie toys are choking hazards.

    Toy on a wand -- dangle it in front of her or trail it in front or her -- put it away when you are not home, so she doesn't try to play with it when you are away -- may swallow the string with devastating results.

    String and ribbon are VERY dangerous toys for cats-- they can swallow it in a second, with possibly fatal results. Same danger exists for little rolled up pieces of paper or tin foil.

    My Big Bad Baby Twinkle is 12 and looooves to play play play with her toys.

  11. If your cat doesn't respond to catnip, try valerian.

    Be careful of toys with strings.  Some cats will eat them and that can be deadly.  So if you buy anything like that be sure to supervise the play until you know it's safe.

    You don't need to spend a lot.  Cats are like children in that they prefer the packaging to the actual toy.  What you can spend money on is a laser pointer, some small fuzzy mice, and some balls to chase.

    The best free toys are the rings from milk cartons, twist ties, q-tips and cardboard boxes to hide in.

    And although not really a toy, get some scratch pads.  Just basic cardboard ones will do.

  12. A Laser Pointer.  Save some $$ and get one at a store like Walmart.  They are only about $4.00  and all of my cats love it!!!  
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