
Toyyys for budgiess?

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What could i make for my budgies to play with ?




  1. there are TONS of things you may have at home that would be awesome budgie toys!

    when i had budgies, they would play with EVERYTHING, the thing is to make sure what you give them is safe, and to remove anything that has broken or that may be eaten

    here is a small list, but there is no end to the possibilities!!

    - lettuce, celery leaves..(budgies love taking bathes.. put some fresh WET leaves in their cage and watch them roll around and play with them...)

    -cardboard toilet paper rolls.. (not the paper... whats left behind, you can also cut them imto smaller tubes... budgies go wild with these!!)

    - a small mirror... of if you dont have one.. put his or her cage in front of a larger mirror you might have around the house..

    they will "talk" to the budgie in the mirror :P ( does not have as good of an effect if your budgie has other budgies to play with..

    - ping pong balls..

    - little bells

    - rope. tie it from one side of the cage to another, or from the roof of the cage and let it dangle.. they pretend to be like tarzan... very entertaining to watch..

    ultimatly you can go online and look at budgie toys, and figure out ways to give them the "household knockoff" :)

    anything you give them will make them happy, and remember that every single budgie toy out there came from someones imagination... use yours! and make some cool budgie toys of your own!

    (try not using anything plastic, or very small or toxic materials.. you will KILL them by doing that.)

  2. get him a Mirror they go crazy over mirrors

  3. hang a mirror in their cage,or make little ladders out of cardboard,or put little ropes and shiny [non-toxic] toys in the cage

    NOTE:I have never owned a bird,but might get one in 2 months
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