
Track Meet Tips?

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Does anyone have any tips on what to do or not do on the day of a track meet. Also, what should I do the day before, rest?




  1. Eat carbohydrate meals for dinner to have energy tomorrow.

    ex: bananas, pasta,

    Also eat a power bar a couple hours before your race, make sure you did your warm ups and stretches too.

  2. The day before run an easy run and eat lots of carbs.  Go to bed early, Drink lots of water until about an hour before the race.  Listen to your favorite pump-up music and youre good to go.  Just don't psyche yourself out.  Once the race starts, all the butterflies go away and its just you and your feet

  3. Day before:

    Light jog in the morning 45 minutes max.

    LOTS of water. Like 10 bottles of water throughout the day.

    For dinner eat pasta and vegetables. Not so much protein (meat)

    Morning of:

    Orange Juice

    and Oatmeal for breakfast

    Drink a whole bottle of water.

    and then sip only water till the meet.

    If you have to eat lunch before the meet PBJ and/or salad

    and water

    Make sure you warm up your muscles before your race too, but don't really get your heart rate up too much.

    That's about it! Good Luck!

  4. The day before a track meet you should have a light practice, nothing extreme or hard, but just something to keep your muscles going. You should eat something light, dont eat heavy because it will weigh you down. Stay hyrdrated! It's best that you drink water before you compete. The energy drinks are best during and after a meet. But you should always start out with water. If your having any pains in your legs the day before or durng a meet you should apply ice or icy hot. Hope this helps, cause thats what I do, and im a state champ. :)

  5. The day before your track meet you need to do some light jogging or running....LIGHT.  For dinner you need to eat pasta.  You should try to get your whole track team or just some close friends and eat at a italian place the day before every track meet.  Hope this helps.

  6. How you prepare for a meet is largely dependant on what you run, though there are some universals.

    If you're a sprinter, it's important to practice things like starts and handoffs (especially steps for the 4x1).

    If you're a hurdler, you should make sure to due some light hurdling (no more than the first two hurdles, no more than 5 times) along with block starts and steps.

    For jumpers, make sure your steps and take-offs are accurate.

    Distance runners need to make sure to stay active. Running about two miles at an easy pace is sufficent for a pre-meet day.

    All athletes, no matter the event, should make sure to jog at least a mile and to be stretched out.

    The night before it's important to be mindful of what you eat. Make sure to take in carbohydrates and protein. This is why spaghetti and meatballs are such a classic pre-meet dinner. Be sure to take in a lot of water aswell. Also, one of the most important things to due, is to get sleep. It is extremely important.

    At the meet itself all athletes should make sure they warm up thouroughly and properly and be stretched out. It's important to be confident  and relaxed at the start of a race.

    In terms of events, sprinters should do block starts, hurdlers should do some drills and jumpers should check steps.

  7. on the day before just do some light jogging down your street then on the day of the track meet the only thing NOT to do on the day of the track meet try to stay away from milk and cerial for breakfast trust me and drink lots of water to stay hydrated and when running if you run long distace pace your self that would really help

    good luck at the track meet!!!!

  8. Before the meet you should eat ALOT of carb.

    Like rice, and pasta.

    Also, if you wanna do what the guy said below me, a LIGHT run, dont work your self to hard and becareful, you dont wanna hurt yourself before your meet.

    And take a bath or something to relax.

    And when you are at the meet, just go on the track field, and do running high knees, and bring an ipod and listen while you do high knees. Take deep breaths right before your division, and jump in place brining your knees up and out to your side. I do track and field myslef, alot of events, and I am pretty good. 4x1, 4x1, 100 meter dash, hurdals, long hump, triple jump, high jump, 440, and 880. I like jumos because I am tall, I am 5'8 almost and I am only 13 going into 8th grade.

    And I learned all this from my sister, track star for hurdals, came in 4th place (needed to be in top 3 to make it) for ccs, almost made it to state, and she went up against all black girls that are 6 foot and she is only 5'4 and she wasnt just the smallest she was the youngest, she was a sophmore and everyone else was a sinor or jr.

    I hope you do good! And place! And p.r and brake a skool record! GOOD LUCK AND HAVE ALOT OF FUN!

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