
Track Trouble!!!!!!!!????????

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Ok, week after next on Tuesday the 26th of August are Track tryouts. My parents say I SUCK at running and now I realize I do too. My mom won't let me quit because she already paid for my physical which was $30.00. They say the people who tryout and suck at it (ME) (they have A Team and B Team) go on B Team awseome people go on A Team. Running hurts my sides (I get stitches for not drinking water which I didn't know I had to till today) and the only thing I am good at is REGULAR PE! I have done cheereleading (and suck), soccer (scared of ball), volleyball (same as soccer), basketbal I haven't tried but the whole ball thing. I have tried tennis (and suck). So what sould I DO? I SUCK!




  1. Thats how I felt, i have the same problem with sports that have a ball.  I do cross country and Im definatly not that great, but I love it, so I just workhard and try to improve. I want to do track but I'm afarid I would be bad bt I plan on trying. So if there something you like just keep working at it and dont give up!

  2. the first thing u need to do is get a better attitud.e u wont do anything telling urself that u suck. tell ur parents that u need encouragment. just go out and train, get with the track coach, he will help u/

  3. It's probably been said many times but you need to stop with the negative attitude. To be a top athlete you must love what you're doing and you must train hard. That actually applies to anything else in life really, but especially in sports. If you're body is not in shape of course it will not perform as well as other who are in that sport, but if you're mind is trained to win and succeed then your body can be trained in kind. Maybe surprisingly to you, a lot of sports is a mental game. Maybe you haven't been succeeding enough because you feel that you "suck" at everything you try. In high school I wasn't very big and I went to an all boy's school that had a great sports program and amazing student-athletes. I was very active at a young age and loved sports but was afraid to compete in high school because of my size. I stopped with that negative attitude and tried out for soccer and wrestling and played jv and varsity for both teams. Point being I stopped caring about how others would think of me play and went for what I wanted, to become a great athlete, and I did it. Hope you will too. Good Luck.    

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