
Track and Field!!??

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I am going to be in 9th grade next year, so freshman and i wanted to know if u try out to get in track? I live in a smaller town by the way and a smaller school. So track is a solo sport, pretty much? What are other events besides like shotput, discuss, 100, 800, and stuff. What is triple jump? One more question, can you be in cross country in 9th grade? Thank you for anyone who answers, 10 free points available!




  1. I live a in smaller town, with a small school with 3 small towns combine.  We don't have to try out.  There aren't very many of us, so we can each do our own things.  It really depends how many kids go out for track.  Track is pretty much solo, but if you are in relays it is a team sport.  Some schools have certain events, some others don't.  Other events can include

    jumping: triple jump, long jump, high jump, pole vault, hurdles.  

    Sprinters: 100m dash, 200m dash, 400m dash. Frosh 100m dash  

    Long distance: 800m run, 1600m run (1 mile), 3200m run (2 miles).  

    Relays: 4x1(everybody on the team does a 100m dash). 4x2(Everybody on the team does a 200m dash) 4x4 or called the mile relay(everybody does a 400.) 4x8(everybody does a 800m run or called the 2 mile relay).  Medley (4 runners.  1st and 2nd runners do a 200.  3rd runner does a 400.  4th runner does a 800.) Weightman's relay (a relay for the throwers and discuss runners.) Frosh 4x1( only freshmen are allowed to run it, each do a 100m dash.) Also every relay team has 4 runners.  

    Yes you can be in cross country at 9th grade.  I know a couple girls and boys who are my age(freshmen) and are in cross country.  Also, it depends where you are.  Some schools have differnt events.

    Hope i helped out!♥

  2. Triple jump is the BEST (I am obviously a triple jumper)...basically, you take off of one foot and hop, land on the foot you took off of and jump onto the other foot, and then jump into the pit.  I'm left-footed, so I run full speed down the runway, hop off of my left foot and land on my left foot, then jump onto my right foot, then jump into the pit.  If you like the idea of jumps, try long and high jump too.  If you have explosive muscles you'll probably be good at all of them.  

    Track is actually a very team-oriented sport, especially if you do relays.  Also, when you compete you score points for your team in meets.  However, it is also about individual progress.  I did track all through high school and college and found it incredibly satisfying and enjoyable.

    I ran cross country in high school to get in shape and stay in shape, and had a blast with it.  It is a great sport to get into, because you can run competitively for the rest of your life.  It is good to start healthy habits early.

    I went to a bigger high school, not everyone got to run varsity but between junior varsity, varsity, and exhibition everyone got to run, so you get to improve and can always move up.

    Some other events, as well, are pole vault, hurdles, steeplechase, mile, two mile, 200 meters, and the relays.  I hope you do track and cross country, it is awesome and fun!

  3. Yeah you can do cross country as a freshman, I actually recommened doing that if you are planning to be in track. Normally you do not have to tryout for track, ive actually never heard of a school that has made you tryout to be on the team. Also if a going to run cross country then I would look at events like the 1600m(1mile) and the 3200m(2mile).

  4. Chances are, there are no tryouts. You have a small school.. and most schools would want to have as many people they can so they can earn more points.

    Other events besides the ones you mentioned might include.. Javelin, High Jump, Long Jump, Hurdles (You jump over these stands while you run). And ofcourse there are relays.. 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 but ofcourse you know this already.

    There are also the long distance events, such as 1500m and 3000m.

    From where I'm from, You can only pick 2 relay events and 3 single events. However, alot of people I know don't even use all their event slots.. and do like 1 relay and 1 single event. The choice is up to you. Hope any of this helped =)

  5. OMG!!! cross country is THE BOMB!!! im a freshman, and i loved it (i used to sprint, but i came over to the dark side of distance).  its a 3.1mile race, which seems long, but its sooo fun!  for track, theres distance --800, 1600, and 3200 (half mile, mile, and two mile)

    triple jump is like long jump, but its like a hop, skip, and a jump...gotta have really strong legs to do well.

    HAVE FUN!!!!

  6. Yes, you can run both track and XC. Solo sport? no... got the relay teams. Distance , short and medium distance running; the jumps (high, long, triple), etc. If the school is small enough, then you will be on the team. I have been running for 8 years now and would recommend the following training:

    I would strengthen the core: calves, quads, hams, back and abdominal (the "six pack" muscles along with the obleks), chest and arms. But when strengthening these muscles, I would focus more on the muscle endurance not the muscle bulk. For more advice for this, I would consult with a personal trainer. For the running part, I would stay flexible as it helps/contributes to your balance (so do the muscles in your core) but also helps prevent some injuries like pulled muscles and shin splints. Also, I would try to make up a schedule where you can run for X amount of days and try to have a long run. I would start off slowly, running about 2-3 miles per run for the first week and increase my mileage per week. Make sure you have the following: a good diet, hydration, sleep, a good sense on how to take care of your body, and sleep. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Good Luck!!!
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