
Track and Field starts tomorrow?

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Tommorow track and field starts at my school but i haven't even trained : l

I want to do good tommorow, what can I do tonight to make a difference? I could also practice for about 30 minutes tommorow morning

Naturally, me being me, I will try out for everything, including 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, long jump, and highjump. Have any tips for anyone those?

Thanks to everybody who answers! Any input given i will be very thankful for!

Thankyou everyone!

And what shuold I wear tommorow that can help me run?




  1. ...

    Middle school?  That's what this sounds like.

    Expect that no matter what you do, the day after tomorrow you will be very, very sore.

    What can help reduce your soreness, and possibly help you in one or two of your first events, is to tomorrow morning take a very, very hot and long shower.  If you have opportunity, do this right before the track meet as well.  This will help warm up your muscles and tendons - stretching the tendons a bit, particularly, before the meet starts.

    Let us know how well you do!



  2. OK

    There is nothing you can do to get better between tonight and tomorrow.  Just get a good nights sleep tonight and make sure you warm up before each event you try.

    If you try out for all of those events, you will not do your best in any of them.  I would suggest cutting the running events to two.  Running the 200 and 800 would show you have speed (200) and stamina (800) or the 100 and 800.  The jumping events take leg strength and speed while the shot put takes upper body strength and overall strength.  These are usually two different types of people with two completely different body structures.  Pick which is best for your body type for the best chance.

  3. calastetics, run about a mile, sit ups, and push ups

  4. i think you are full of yourself

  5. I don't know where you live, but what kind of place starts track towards the end of May?!

    ... Well I guess you should stay hydrated, and I suggest stretch the night before.

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