
Track circuit block V axle counters: opinions?

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Network Rail are rolling out a programme of replacing TCB with axle counters (with IVRS). Is it just me, or do you think TCB is a simpler more reassuring system?




  1. I prefer Track Circuit Block. That way, any number of vehicles can pass, provided the loco is fitted (but it is a requirement anyway). This system has been used for years. What's suddenly gone wrong now?

  2. Axle counters are a pain.  Every morning when there are engineers possesion on the line a Ghost Train has to run and resest them, it buggers the early morning service up as we have to send our Cover Driver out in one of the later service trains, this means of course that they are not availiable for any emergency, stock movements left over or prepare the trains from cold that are bearthed overnight.  Network rail should have the capacity to reset there own axle counters with there own trains at such times!! Its almost as bad as them finding out that the new 'Sandite' trains are not heavy enough to cut through the frost and Ice this winter to clear lines and they have had to resort back to an Old converted Class 1 pushed by an old diesel loco.

  3. As I understand it the reason NWRail are changing from TC's to axle counters is mainly to do with the contamination during leaf-fall season.

    As nearly all trains have disk brakes which dont clean the tyre of contaminates and with the build up on the railhead,during the leaf-fall season a Railhead Treatment Train has to run to clean the rail and provide a good electrical connection through the rails to the wheels to operate the track circuits.

    Changing to axle counting treddles eliminates the need for both the railhead and wheels to be clean enough for an electrical connection at all times.

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