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ok well im in track and im ALWAYS really sore what should i do to make it better?




  1. Depends, is the soreness from muscles or cramping? Try more water and Bananas for the potassium, that should help, but if it persist, can't hurt to get checked out by your trainer or Dr. And if your new to track, just let your body adjust to it.

  2. ok well my dad is a sports nutrishinist and ya i no i didnt spell that right but wat ev LOL ya i run track too, so after u run soak in a EPSOM salt bath it makes you feel better and is AMAZING for sores, drink LOTS of watter and eat carbs like pasta or cerial after you are done practicing to keep your muscles stronger, get lots of sleep to and TAKE UR VITAMINS! ya i hate them 2 but they really do help! ENJOY!

  3. make sure to always stretch before and after. also, after meets go on long recovery runs rather than taking off. talk to your coach though.

  4. hmm... drink lots of water and eat bananas. those really help me. Also, I found out that drinking chocolate milk after a really hard practice helped me recover quicker than a sports drink. Also, eat red meats like beef. this protien really helps those muscles.

  5. trust me i have been there! anyways.... im not really sure! i am looking 4 a cure still but we have this one stuff that is like pepperment and you rub it where your musles are sore and it feels really good! yeah! you should come over sometime and we can show it to you !

  6. Ice and strech right after you run. after a while you will become used to it and not feel anything.Feel beter!

  7. Hey i am in track too!  I long jump and run the 4 by 400 meter dash.  That is the worst!  We do a lot and i am always really sore too!  I got better after about 2 to 3 weeks into it, but if you don't get any better than i suggest you ice your ankles after practice for shin splints.  But the biggest thing is to stretch after practice.     It just takes 10 minutes. Grab a friend and stretch out your ham strings, quads, and calves. Just stretch anything that gets sore.  Also, make sure you stretch out good in the beginning of practice too!  Well i hope this helps and good luck this year!

  8. well i play soccer and u have to run in soccer and in track(DUH) i used to be sore too. at first when i was sore i asked my brother y i was sore and he told me to stretch, so if u dont stretch really good that could be the problem.
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