
Track spikes- When and how?

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I just bought a new pair of Adidas Meteor track spikes and now am wondering what is the form of sprinting?- my friend told me that you should run as if you are going to fall over so you are leaning forward- is this true?

Also, how should hand movements be during sprinting? Can the track spikes be used for 400 and 200m? And if you accidentally run flat-footed in them, will it tremendously damage your time? Furthermore- Will the spikes break if you wear them on concrete by walking back up the stands?




  1. running flat-footed will most definitely damage your time, because the heel of the spike is not on level with the spikes themselves, therefore, you will fall back

    the spikes won't break, but they will wear down very easily on concrete, so I don't suggest it (try walking on the heels during this time, or on the grass)

  2. you want to remain upright.  Knees up, drive your feet to the ground.  Track spikes can be used in all events.  you want your hands to be relaxed, and move your entire arm.

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