
Tracking all abortions in 39 states.Should we really know about all this?

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0 LIKES UnLike From the site: "Our unique search database pulls information from a variety of 3rd party and proprietary sources to compile a full, comprehensive list of every woman who has had an abortion procedure performed in the United States and Canada, dating back to 1940, in many cases."




  1. The names of women who have had abortions are kept confidential by law. I would doubt the veracity of this website. On a website, anyone can claim anything they want. Patients names are not released on heart surgeries, and kidney transplants, and they are not released on abortions. Don't believe everything you read online.

  2. It's clearly a fake site to p**s people off. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

  3. Yes if you are about Free Speech and Choice you should have no problem with this site.

    If you are going to make a choice you should be given all the information.

    I like to see the Pro-choice people work more on making abortion rare.

    They should give out information about the alternatives and provide the pre and post natal care if a mother wants to keep the child isn't that part of choice?

    That you have to decide if you want the baby to live or not?

  4. How can anyone track every abortion in the US and Canada. In the first place I don't know about the US but in Canada your medical reports are confidential and can not be accessed by anyone but a doctor or medical professional who has a legitimate reason to do so.

    How could they track abortions back to 1940 when they were not

    legal until the 1960s. Did they track every illegal abortionist in North America?. That website is a lot of bullwash just ignore it.

  5. If these women think abortion is so ok then why not advertise it? If they have the guts to kill a baby they should be tough enough to defend their actions if faced with it, right?  

  6. Once the religious nutballs make it illegal to have a surgical procedure they can track down all those sinner women and charge them with MURDER!!

    I think this info should fall under patient/ doctor confidentiality.

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