
Trade Edge for Calvin Johnson?

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I know that people are pretty down on Edge this year. I think this is about a wash, do you? And does it help my team enough for me to justify starting a different RB? Thnkas...

We start: QB, RBx2, WRx2, RB/WR, TE, K, D

My team:

Q: Romo, Pennington

RB: PurpleJesus(AP), T. Jones, E. James, R. Mendenhall, R. Rice, J. Jones

WR: Fitzgerald, Chambers, Stallworth, Roddy White, Darrel Jackson

TE: Scheffler

D: Seattle

no kicker yet




  1. I would try to do this trade. You are looking good at RB with AP, TJ and OrangeJulius with quality risk/reward guys in Mendenhall and Ray "don't call me Ray Ray" Rice and you need an upgrade at WR. Calvin has been a beast so far in training camp and in pre-season and though it seems like an oxymoron, focusing on the running game will open up the air attack so I look for Calvin to have 1,100 with about 8 TD's or better as long as he stays healthy.

    I think Tim Hightower (yes,insert your Police Academy joke here) will steal several goal line TD's away from Edge this year.  

    Word is DJ has already lost the WR2 spot in DEN so after week 2 when Marshal gets back, look for his numbers to drop. Roddy White had a great year last year, but the focus will be on the ground game with big money Turner and Norwood and I think Matt Ryan will get the most starts so the short passing game and Harry Douglas out of the slot will be used mostly.

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