
TradeKing does it again ?!?!?

by Guest61842  |  earlier

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Huge Summer trade between Phx, Chi and Dal..All teams on the verge of a title run but just not quite there. This trade will sort it all out...




  1. no way for dallas

  2. This cant work like how much times would SHaq be traded to diffrent teams!

  3. not a bad idea but this wouldn't work

    for chicago...they'd probably do this trade.  getting rid of all the extra depth in return for shaq, stackhouse and dampier might be good for them.  keep in mind though that all three of these players are probably going to retire very soon.  also, this kinda reverses their problem of too much backcourt depth to too much frontcourt depth.  also, shaq isn't really a legitamit post threat anymore.  he really is just a big body who can finish under the hoop.  still, chicago would do this because the crowded frontcourt would be much better for them than the crowded backcourt.

    for phoenix...they would do this too.  although they would have a much smaller team, they would accept this simply because the talent of the players they are getting is way higher than what they are giving up.  josh howard is a boarderline allstar, hughes would flourish in the suns system and be that other guard playmaker and so would nocioni who is underrated and averages 13 and 4 in just 24 mpg.  also, it gives them a chance to get rid of the shaq experiment.  i watched them play before and after and they didn't look good with shaq.  he messed their spread offense up and i think all the talent they would get would put the suns back on top of the league offensively.

    for the mavericks, they wouldn't do this trade.  this would put all of their depth at guard with kidd, terry, hinrich, bell, sefalosha, juan jose barea, antoine wright, and eddie jones.  the only other guys who can play on their team would be dirk, brandon bass and maybe diop.  this team would have no ballance or size.  

  4. AMAZING!!!!


  5. Heck no.  

    You trade away your post player and second leading scorer for... more 3 pt shooters?  You in essence go from making Dallas a long shot into no shot.  You gut their interior presence.  I'm sorry, but DeSagana Diop is not going to carry it in the post, Erick Dampier is already hurting, and honestly they are the only two post players in on the team.  Dallas = screwed (don't tell me Dirk can play the post because he hasn't for his entire career).  While a Jason Kidd/Kirk Hinrich backcourt would be interesting to watch, you still don't have anyone to run the break with Kidd, and you took away the one guy that might be able to (Josh Howard).  You also create a major backcourt platoon with Jason Terry, Kirk Hinrich, Jason Kidd, and Raja Bell.  I suppose you could just platoon the time between them, using Terry and Hinrich interchangeably at the 1 and the 2 guard slots.  Everyone wants to play like the Warriors now, but seriously, how much have the Warriors really won?

    I don't think moving Amare Stoudemire back to the center position will be what the Suns want to do as moving him back to PF was the reason they got Shaq in the first place.  Unless you plan on starting Robin Lopez.  Also, you move from having 1 and 1/2 legimate defenders (Grant Hill is not consistently healthy enough to be considered 1 full legitimate defender) to maybe 1/2 a legitimate defender (ok so maybe I don't give Larry Hughes enough credit, but seriously), what you get is a 3 happy Suns with Amare in the middle, you've basically turned them into Golden State with a decent big man (no knock on Andris Biedrins).  Josh Howard kind of fills in because of Grant Hill's injury issues so I think Phoenix gets screwed the least.  Of course, ironically enough Shaq is also their leading rebounder, which would s***w them too.

    Chicago gets a lot of big men and another old guy, giving away Kirk Hinrich who front office really likes and a high potential young guard in Thabo Sefolosha.  Sure the get rid of Larry Hughes's ugly contract, as well as Andres Nocioni, but this hardly makes them a contender.  They clear up the whole back court issue, leaving undisputedly Derrick Rose and Ben Gordon (who I might add has not actually signed yet) as starters, as well as Luol Deng, but then you have this glut in the frontcourt with Drew Gooden, Joakim Noah, rookie Omer Asik, Tyrus Thomas, Shaq, and Erick Dampier, solution would probably be bench Noah or Dampier, but seriously the Shaq and Dampier contracts suck the life out of any gain you had off jettisoning Larry Hughes's contract.  All the while, Chicago gets a only marginal improvement in the low post, which they needed (though the improvement isn't significant enough to warrant much merit), and still lack a go-to guy, which Luol Deng has not yet proven himself to be (neither has Ben Gordon, and my hopes aren't too high on Derrick Rose yet either).  

    All in all, you don't really sort anything out here, you just kind of make it worse, guaranteeing that none of them will get anywhere near the finals, and likely jeopardizing Dallas and Phoenix's chances at even making the playoffs.

  6. Okay, I'm answering this question after TradeKing just reedited. I must say, great trade, and the third answer had a great response.

    But his points are kind of questionable.

    I'll start off with the Phoenix Suns. I don't see the Suns a "little screwed" in this trade at all. You get rid of the expensive big man, and you get 3 veterans. I don't see the Suns anything like the Golden State Warriors in this trade, I might add. You acquire Larry Hughes (who will start at 2 guard. Most likely start Josh Howard at the 3 forward, and put Nocioni at backup SG, and Grant Hill at backup SF. Nocioni, Hill, and Howard all fit in the rotation and are all "technically" SF's. I don't see any resemblence to the golden state warriors. Robin Lopez will be a starter, eventually, but the Suns, after the trade, should try to get back either Kurt Thomas, or try to go for veteran Robert Horry.

    Now that I'm done ranting about the Suns, lets go about Dallas. Yay! Finally they get rid of their main problem: Josh Howard. Is Hinrich a good replacement for Howard. Absolutely! Dallas has Kirk for a guaranteed 5 seasons. Hinrich brings shooting and great playmaking ability, he can do well as a starting 2 guard, or a backup PG. Not to mention the fact that you get defender: Raja Bell can heavily influence the Mavericks' style of playing. Obviously, they're not perfect, and having Bell start as a SF is questionable. But the Dallas definitely look playoff-ready with this trade.

    Bulls may have got the worse-end of this deal, or not? I like the idea of getting a veteran like Shaq to help rookie Derrick Rose. Not to mention Jerry Stackhouse in and Kirk gone, removes the glut of PG's and might influence Ben Gordon to sign for a lessened contract. All in all, they will put Stackhouse as a replacement for Nocioni's SF position, and start Derrick Rose, immediately, and try to get Gordon at the starting 2 position.

    Great trade. And I liked the third response. Although I disagree with it. I think this trade is better than many people think.



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