
Traded cars? Can it be taken away?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so me and this guy both agreed to trade cars here in Texas. We both signed titles over to each other, and signed Texast Title Application sheets. We both didn't sign anything else, no contracts, warranties or anything! We both test drove each others cars no problems 'til tonight he calls me and says the car is having problems. Now in all honesty I've never had a problem with it, until he out of nowhere calls me up and says something. Since we just signed everything and both had the right to inspect it, etc. Can he legally take my his car back and me be responsible?




  1. Wait wait wait...

    You now tell us that he never had the car titled in his name? By law, he cannot sell nor trade that car. It was never legally his to begin with.

    You need to find the owner of the vehicle previous to him, and have THEM sign the title over to you. Then, it legally becomes yours and you can register it.

    As for the other issue, yes, the deal is done and he can't back out "just because he wants to".  

  2. You asked this yesterday;...

    the answer is still NO.  the deal is done, he owns a car and so do you.

  3. Nope. He can sue you, but he has little chance of winning.  

  4. No not if he signed the title over to you and you have already submitted the title application.  

  5. no, just because there is no money involved doesn't mean that your agreement is any less binding.  You have an agreement with this guy and he is just going to have to live with it.

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