
Trading snakes in -- does this bother anyone else?

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one of my pet peeves is people "trading snakes in". they trade them either for other types of snakes or different morphs of the same type. i know i cant do anything about it but i wondered if this bothers/offends anyone else? they are living beautiful creatures and some people treat them like trading cards. i wish people had more respect for living creatures.




  1. get over it

  2. doesnt bother me a bit, anyone want to trade any bcis for some dumerils boas? also have an albino bci up for trade (female, dumerils are unsexed)

    EDIT: some of us are breeders, and dont really count the animals as pets. i have 12 snakes, and i am only attached to 2 of them.

  3. Your not alone! I really bothers me when a person get rid of one animal or trades it in on another. People need to grow up and stick with the commitment they made in the first place.

  4. It like giving your child away for a better one just stupid I wish I had 25 cents for very animal i've seen brought back for the same thing different color I would be rich

  5. dude i can totally agree.


  6. It makes me mad. You make a commitment to take care of the animal to the best of your ability. And when you trade it in the snake has a great chance of dieing in a pet store or dieing in the care of its new owner.

    Ziggy makes an interesting point. I don't agree that we shouldn't have pets, but I think that it is cruel when people buy a living fashion accessory. My father recently got my sister a dog. She was supposed to take care of it. So far it sleeps in my room and pisses all over my carpets. I didn't even want a dog.

    My sister has this purse that she carries it around in. The poor thing has no room to move. One day she wanted me to carry it and I refused. My mom made a big scene in front of a fruit market. When I walked in to buy some collards for my beardie the guy congratulated me. He said he was happy with what I did. I said thank you, and being naturally shy, didn't make a conversation about it.

    When you get an animal you make a commitment to it. Some people don't take this seriously. and it makes me angry.

  7. If you had more respect for living creature you would leave them in the wild where they belong....not in a glass cage. I agree with Ziggy 100%

  8. I wholeheartedly agree with you. But I'll take the issue one step further: I am offended, insulted as a human, when I see people keeping such animals as "pets." It is unnatural to do so, it is cruel to the animal, and they often end up dying because their owners can't replicate the exacting environmental conditions that reptiles, exotic fish, rodents, birds, and the like, demand for survival. There is a person on the forum tonight whose duck won't sit on her eggs. Duh! What has the duck had in its captive life to model egg sitting? Too many of us are being cruel to exotic pets for the sake of our own egos, than for the betterment of the animal breed. A pet should not define our identities, or be fashion accessories to our personalities.

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