
Traffic Court Question?

by Guest61959  |  earlier

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I am currently scheduled to go to court December 10th. I was going 96 in a 70 because I had a medical emergency. I am a diabetic and needed to get to some food. The exits were far away from each other so it was a tough situation. I need to know how to plea if I am going to argue using this defense. It is just municipal traffic court. I have no other tickets on my record. Should i go not guilty, No-Lo, or Guilty?

Thanks for the help guys.




  1. if you r going to plead not guilty ,,,you plead not guilty,,,truth is you WERE better get some DRs notes togther and maybe they will knock it down to 10 mph over linit... 26 may b reckless driving causinf more points and a lic syspension....[ it happens in VA where i live]

  2. You'll probably do better with that story if you have a doctor's note.

  3. the court is not going to believe that. just plead guilty

  4. Your plea should be guilty... Put your hat in your hand make the plea & then a 'short' statement letting the court know your take on the situation..I mean short. Your really throwing yourself on the mercy of the court. were speeding.. He maybe wondering how dangerous you were in this medical emergency. Should you have pulled over, made a cell call '911'. Try to have him turn this into a teaching situation.. for the next time.. Public safety you know

  5. 1.  Check if your state's highway code has an exemption for medical emergencies.

    2.  If so, get  a doctor's note and plead not guilty.

    3.  If not, plead guilty.

  6. Plead no contest, it's your best bet.  They probably won't let you get off too easy because you can't deny speeding, so you did actually break the law.  Most likely scenario is that you plead no constest and, especially if you have a clen record, they'll give you the option to pay the fine and take the point on your record or go to traffic school to have the point removed.  You're lucky California, going more than 25mph over the speed limit is considered street racing, exhibition of speed, and reckless driving.  That leaves you in jail for the night with an impounded car and a few hefty fines!

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