So here's my situation, a few days ago i was going to school. i reversed down my driveway stopped and checked to make sure traffic was clear. i was stopped just before the curb. i see a car a few houses down approaching a stop. i look to my left and see that side is clear. then finally i decide it is safe to backout. after im out but not completely straight in the lane i stop to shift into drive. in a matter of a second SMACK! the car i had seen rear ends me. i didn't get hurt or anything but the lady in the other car runs out of her car crying and screaming "get police, call police call police!" so i do, and im just trying to calm her down but she's freaking out, i ask her if shes hurt and she says no. then the police asks if we need an ambulance i say no and i ask her and she goes "ummm...YES!! yes!! oh owww it hurts it hurts!" and lays on the ground. im like woah ok. so the police said i was backing out of my driveway too fast or i didn't check both ways when i backed out! wtf