
Traffic jams r a prob in many towns and cities toda. u agree or disagree?

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some people say the solution is to build wider roads do u agree or not? give reasons




  1. We have rush hours here. Most people know where they are and at what times, so if at  all possible they try to avoid them. Making the roads biger may help short term, but w'eve done it here twice and we still have traffic jams.

  2. Yes - it is a problem in many cities, and some towns. The issue is that when people join a road they are adding to the congestion by one car but do not have to pay any price for this. In Singapore, this is no longer the case as they charge you nationally for traveling on roads. There is barely any congestion there at all.

    London is another example of a somewhat effective congestion charge, although congestion still exists there just not to the same degree.

    Building wider roads is rarely the answer. This is due to Say's law that "supply creates its own demand". If you build bigger roads, then congestion will reduce, and then more people will want to drive on roads as there is less congestion. The result is that you have bigger/more roads, with the same amount of congestion as before!

    The true solution is road pricing, as seen in Singapore, along with vast improvement of public transport (people need an alternative).

  3. Take the metro. It is cheaper, better for the environment, less of a headache and also eases congestion. It's much easier to take the bus and/or train once you learn your route.

    I really like not having to put up with going across 4 lanes of traffic in a half mile of rush hour traffic to make it to the left exit if I am driving home from work.

  4. While helping the traffic jams, help the environment too!  Take a metro or train.  People need to do as much as they can, every little bit helps.

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